Saturday, November 20, 2010


When someone hears the word Neuromarketing, at first it sounds like something out of science fiction, with similarities to a relatively recent movie Minority report in which there is a futuristic world of tech far beyond our own. In actuality this is a concept being used right now.Car manufacturers are experimenting with using brain waves to do basic functions such as opening the door and turning on a light all with just a thought. check out the article here

Imagine if this technology is being developed right now then neuro marketing should be a piece of cake right? well its not as easy as it seams. Neuro marketing involves finding out what the individual person likes and then gears the upcoming ads or marketing techniques to that person.

There is an issue with this however that many skeptics are discussing, the thought of subliminal advertising and to a minor extent some form of mind control. Thats not to say people are going to all go out and buy toothpaste everytime they they see a  colgate ad but it can definately influence a person.

Proponents of neuromarketing say that its not nearly that advanced. It can tell whether a persons reaction is positive or negative but it cant tell if the positive reaction was excitement or just mild amusement. Lets not not take away from the fact that it does help the consumer in a way by targeting the individuals exact needs and taking out all the extras. For instance a ten year old who plays video games doesnt care about commercials about car insurance. So what do you think? Is neuromarketing worth it?

1 comment:

  1. I agree that for now the technology may not be able to discern specific emotions, but I feel like that tech is already out there, just confined to a different discipline. I remember reading a while back how a robotics team made a robotic face (with a camera) that could emulate the facial emotions you make by detecting the movement of elements of your face. All neuromarketing guys need to do is apply that tech to their current methods (if they're not doing so already)

    I couldn't find that particular video but this one seems quite a bit sillier anyways

